1. How do I search for a course?
You can search by
subject, for example 'Art'.
Alternatively, if you know the course code or
subject (available on the website/brochure) you can use this. If you leave all
the fields blank then the search will return all courses.
Once you have
found a subject you are interested in you can further filter your results by
date, time of day, start month, availability and price.
You can further
sort your search results by clicking on any column to group your results by, for
example: - Subject or Start Date. This will filter the results by date in either
ascending or descending order.
When you've found the course that suits
you, click on Book place on the right hand side of the screen.
2. What is my account?
If you enrolled on to a
course with us previously through one of the following options, then your
details will have been recorded within our database. This means you already
have an account that needs activating before you're able to book a course
- Through our old website
- By telephoning the service or contact
- By attending one of free courses such as Neighbourhood learning,
Family learning or Learn2b
For instructions of how to activate your
account visit our
how to page.
3. Is funding available for a course?
Some courses
are not funded and are offered at full cost. For full information visit our
fees and refunds page.
Most courses will be fully or part funded by
the ESFA to be eligible for either a fully or part-funded course, a person must
be legally resident in the UK/EEA for three years prior to the beginning of the
A person must be a British/EEA citizen, or have the right to
abode in the UK, or be a refugee who has been resident in the UK since the
granting of refugee status, or an asylum seeker with 6 months residency.
4. What course should I take to improve my employment opportunities?
There are subjects within the brochure that may help you to improve your
chances at work or improve your chances of getting employment, these courses are
offered FREE to people in receipt of Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), Employment
Support Allowance (ESA), or another means tested benefit whilst currently active
in seeking employment. Up to date evidence will be required.
The Adult
Learning Service has a Learning for Work programme specifically designed to help
people get back to work - see our website for further details.
We also
work in partnership with the National Careers Service and can offer free advice
and guidance in order to support you to take your next steps in learning and
work. Your course tutor will be able to give you more information about this
5. What's my Learner Number?
Your Learner Number is
available when you sign up for a course with Adult Learning Services. It is also
available on the form when you register.
6. Can I pay for more than one enrolment at the same time?
Unfortunately we are unable to process multiple enrolments online. Each
enrolment has to be processed individually due to the funding arrangements
associated with these courses. We apologise for any inconvenience this may
7. Are there any other costs associated with my course?
Some courses will have materials and exam fees built into the course cost,
where there are extra charges this will be clearly stated by clicking on the more details button.
Some practical courses will require you to buy your own
material, you will be sent a materials list with the rest of your course
information. We advise that you do not buy any materials until the course is
confirmed to run, 2 weeks before the start date.
8. Will I be reminded that my course date is coming up so that I do
not miss my course?
If you book in advance of the course start
date and have provided a valid email address, then you should receive a reminder
from the team that your course is due to start. However we strongly recommend
that you note the start date and time of the course. Refunds will not be given
if you forget to turn up to your course or our reminder does email fails to
reach you.
9. How will I know that my course is running?
If we
have to cancel your course due to low numbers you will be informed 2 weeks
before the start date.
10. I am not in receipt of any benefits can I get help with my fees?
We do have a small Bursary Grant that we can use to assist those suffering
financial hardship, our aim is to help everyone to access our courses. Please
11. How can I contact you?
You can call our customer
service centre on 0300 303 1058 or email us